Fla Filmes

Fla Films was developed by Diogo Dahl and Raphael Vieira as a pioneer project in the sports audiovisual market. Throughout its existence, the label has produced 6 medium and feature length documentaries since 2006.
The films "PentaTri - A Hegemonia", "É o Hexa (Flamengo Hexa)" and "Copa União" are considered Golden DVDs, with the latest being awarded in 2012 at Cinefoot Rio de Janeiro (Best Feature Film) and at FICTS Fest Milão (Honorable Mention).
Projects developed through Fla Filmes:
- COPA UNIÃO (2013) - Directed by Diogo Dahl and Raphael Vieira
- É O HEXA (2011) – Directed by Diogo Dahl
- PENTA TRI – A HEGEMONIA (2009)- Directed by Raphael Vieira and Gabriel Mendes
- VAMOS FLAMENGO (2008) - Directed by Raphael Vieira
- CONTE COMIGO MENGÃO (2007) - Directed by Raphael Vieira
- É CAMPEÃO! (2007) - Directed by Raphael Vieira

3 Obás of Xangô wins Rio and São Paulo

SUP, XMAS!, Coqueirão's first animated feature, currently in development, has been selected for Animation! VENTANA SUR 2024.

A Festa de Léo é premiado em Lisboa

A série How to Be Carioca tem estreia dupla: Festival do Rio e Star+